Saturday, October 24, 2009

17th Annual Membership Meeting

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy will be Saturday November 7th at 10AM at Centennial Farm.

All members are invited to join us for a continental breakfast to learn firsthand about the organization's activities over the last year. The Conservationist of the Year Award will be announced at this time. Take this opportunity to meet with members of the board to discuss past and future projects.

This year we are delighted to have Conservancy members Tracey and Roger Gaudette of Island Gold join us for the meeting. They will discuss their beekeeping activities on Grosse Ile, honey production and the decline of the honeybees.

Meeting Agenda:
10:15 – Welcome & Introductions (Liz Hugel / President)
10:20 - State of the Conservancy and Awards (Hugel)
10:35 - Election of Board of Directors (Pat Selby / Nominations Chair)
10:45 - Guest Presentation (Gaudette / Island Gold)
11:15 - Committee Reports & Informal Discussions (All)

Non-members are also welcome to attend this meeting, learn more about the Conservancy and sign up for membership.

We look forward to seeing you there!

It's almost time to start planning for next year's events. We hosted birds of prey in 2008, reptiles and butterflies in 2009, so what'll we do for 2010??? No matter what, we will again sponsor another Nature & Wildlife Photo Contest. So if you're in high school or middle school, I hope you've been taking pictures this summer and fall. Click here to see the 2009 winners.